
2021年1月1日,中以海德创始人、世界顶尖科学家协会主席Roger Kornberg执笔,携Michael Levit, Steve Chu, Venki Ramakrishman, Randy Schekman,共五位诺贝尔奖得主共同发表了新年贺词。


Noone imagined at the end of 2019 what would be the state of the world at the end of 2020. Pandemic viral disease, profound economic dislocation, and attendant uncertainty and despair, remain causes for grave concern at the beginning of 2021. There are nonetheless reasons for hope, both immediate and in the future. With effective vaccines now available, we can be sure of a better 2021 andthe eventual end of the pandemic. Hard times will continue at the beginning of the year, but by the end, much of the world’s population will have gained immunity to the virus and enjoyed life again.


Victory over the virus has come at great cost in blood and treasure. At the same time, it represents the hope for the future. Victory was a triumph of science. It was achieved by international cooperation on the development of new methods of disease control. Not only were vaccines made and brought to the public in less than a year, ten-fold less time than required in the past, but the new methods will allow even more rapid production of vaccines against novel microbes that will inevitably arise in the future. Beyond advances in vaccine development, new methods of diagnosis and therapy, with similar more rapid application to novel microbes, will be available as needed in the future.


The world laureates association has sought to contribute by promoting basic science, supporting the development of young scientists, and advocating for international cooperation. Pursuing the theme of “science and technology for the common destiny of mankind,”the world laureates association has encouraged the activities and interaction of leading scientists and their junior colleagues. This outreach and support will continue and be expanded to further the advance of science and its applications in the future.


If the world was poorly prepared for the pandemic, and many have suffered, we may now look forward with optimism and renewed energy for addressing other great challenges, among them climate control and destruction of the environment, peace among nations and prosperity for all.


Happy New year.



当前新冠肺炎疫情在全球再次抬头,推动疫情防控和公共卫生领域的国际合作,很有必要,非常紧迫。Roger Kornberg携顶尖科学家协会全体高度关注疫情和最新报道的病毒变种,积极开发更高效的诊疗方法。而中以海德也正在推动与世界一流大学和创新研发公司合作,相信未来会有更多科技合作的故事由中以海德书写。

中以海德是一家创新药研发及孵化公司。2019年,科学家 Roger Kornberg,企业家王石与投资家陈明键联合创立。集合犹太科学家最强大脑,“移植”以色列“从0到1”的创新基因,演绎着“从1到100”的跨越,实现对创新的创新。